A.P. Moller Capital adds new partner to boost focus on deals outside Africa
A.P. Moller Capital announced that as of 1 August, Dhruv Narain has joined the company as partner. Narain will be fully integrated into the partner team and will be a member of the Investment Committee.
Narain brings with him over twenty years of experience in investing in infrastructure asset strategies. Prior to joining, Narain was part of the Global Infrastructure Investments leadership team, Global ESG Committee and Real Assets Investment Sub-Committee at GCM Grosvenor, and Head of Global Direct and Co-Invest Infrastructure at Abu Dhabi Investment Council. He has also held investment roles at the World Bank Group’s IFC, Macquarie Capital and HSBC.
“At a time of unique economic, environmental and demographic transition, there is a pressing need to invest in building the infrastructure for the decades ahead – to deliver food and mineral security, to manage climate change and to optimise scarce resources – and I am proud to be joining a company that focuses on exactly that,” says Narain.
With Narain’s arrival, A.P. Moller Capital will strengthen its focus on investments outside Africa.
“Dhruv brings with him over twenty years of experience in investing in infrastructure asset strategies as well as important leadership skills, key competences in our endeavours of building sustainable growth and creating social impact in high growth markets,” says Kim Fejfer, managing partner in A.P Moller Capital.
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