Ekuity Capital and UGFS-NA invest in Tunisian plastics company
The Société Moderne d’Industrie Plastique et d’Emballage (SOMIPEM), a Tunisian plastics and packaging company, has announced it has successfully completed its second round of private equity financing with Ekuity Capital and UGFS-NA.
“We are proud to participate in the development of the SOMIPEM. This investment is fully in line with Ekuity Capital’s strategy to support Tunisian SMEs with high potential and we are convinced that SOMIPEM will be able to achieve its objectives and growth,” said Mohammad Al-Nemah, managing director of Ekuity Capital.
“We are delighted to participate in the financing of companies established in regional development zones. This investment comes above all to develop the company and thus strengthen its presence on the national and international market,” commented Mohamed Salah Frad, managing director of UGFS-NA.
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