FMO appoints interim CEO
The Supervisory Board of Dutch development financier FMO has announced the appointment of Linda Broekhuizen as interim CEO. Broekhuizen has been part of FMO’s Management Board as Chief Investment Officer for almost seven years. Her current role will be fulfilled by Huib-Jan de Ruijter, Director Financial Institutions and Director Debt, who will act as interim CIO.
These appointments are effective immediately, have been approved by the Dutch Central Bank and can count on support from the Ministries of Finance and Foreign Affairs as well as the Works Council which made valuable remarks.
Chair of the Supervisory Board, Dirk Jan van den Berg said, ”These past months, we have seen how Linda has taken up the gauntlet of restoring trust in the broader organisation, while leading FMO through these challenging Covid-19 times together with CRFO Fatou Bouaré. We were happy to hear Linda is willing to take on this role.”
The search process for a new CEO is underway.
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