Mauritius: A hub for your trading operations
Have you considered using Mauritius for your trading operations?
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Have you considered using Mauritius for your trading operations?
Over the past decades, Mauritius has consolidated its position as a preferred jurisdiction for the structuring of global companies involved in multinational trading operations.
Other than the protective legal and regulatory environment, Mauritius has been able to provide a favourable tax regime with an effective tax rate of up to 3% on trading profits – irrespective of whether the traded products are transited through Mauritius or not.
Do you wish to learn more about using Mauritius as a platform for your trading activities?
How can ITL help you?
We leverage our robust foundation, agility and widespread network of collaborators to help you with:
Established in 1999, Intercontinental Trust Limited (ITL) provides a plethora of financial and fiduciary services to a diversified client base including private equity firms, real estate multinationals, financial institutions, investment managers and high-net-worth individuals among others.
ITL is located in Ebene, the financial centre of Mauritius and has offices in Singapore, Seychelles and representative offices in South Africa and Kenya.