Partners seek to mobilise $100m for investment in clean cooking in Africa
The Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA), the African Guarantee Fund (AGF), and the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) have announced the Partnership Platform for Clean Cooking Finance, which aims to mobilise $100 million for clean cooking by 2026.
Nearly a third of the world’s population still relies on polluting open fires and inefficient stoves for cooking, contributing to 3.2 million premature deaths and harming livelihoods, the climate, and the environment. However, current levels of investment in clean cooking – estimated at around $130 million each year – fall far short of the $10 billion needed to reach universal access.
The platform aims to support investments to grow clean cooking markets and expand access to modern fuels and technologies in Africa. While CCA, AGF, and UNCDF are the platform’s anchor partners, a growing pipeline of other key ecosystem actors are expected to join the effort.
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