Private Equity Africa Awards 2021: ITL wins Local Funds Advisor Award
We have the immense pleasure to announce that ITL has won the Local Funds Advisor Award at the Private Equity Africa (PEA) Awards 2021. ITL was also among the Top Contenders for the Best Fund Administrator of the Year. The results were announced virtually on 30 November 2021.
This award acknowledges the significant strides forward achieved by ITL in the past year, anchored in broadened service offerings, the adoption of a group sustainability strategy and more importantly, a seamless and unmatched client service level delivered against a challenging backdrop mired by the ongoing pandemic.
“We are truly honoured to receive this award which testifies of our resilience at a time when the industry is facing volatilities, further exacerbated by a seemingly never-ending pandemic. We dedicate this prestigious distinction to our staff for the immeasurable work accomplished, and we take this opportunity to extend our sincere thanks to our clients for their invaluable trust and support” – muses Ben Lim, CEO – Intercontinental Trust Limited
The PEA Awards, now in its tenth year, has established itself as the embodiment of success in the African Private Equity landscape, garnering participation from key players across the continent. A panel of independent judges, comprising representatives from CDC and IFC amongst others, selected the final winners.
The PEA 2021 Awards Gala Dinner – which will jointly celebrate the 2020 and 2021 award winners – will be held in London in 2022.
To access the full list of winners, click here
Established in 1999, Intercontinental Trust Limited (ITL) provides a plethora of financial and fiduciary services to a diversified client base including private equity firms, real estate multinationals, financial institutions, investment managers and high-net-worth individuals among others.
ITL is located in Ebene, the financial centre of Mauritius and has offices in Singapore, Seychelles and representative offices in South Africa and Kenya.